5th Devlog: Production week 3

When creating the decals we split them up into two characteristics. The first one being important indicators, and the second being storytelling. We needed to make sure that they would be eye catching to the player. This way we are able to show the player different paths and sections. It's important to us to SHOW the player paths. But NOT to tell which one to take.

After testing assets in our scene. We made respective changes and fleshed them out more. For this we mostly focused on creating the textures and overall feel to the props. Making sure they affect and fit the environment.

Some of the nature assets are also already finished. In the second sprint or in the polishing sprint we will use a foliage painter to quickly distribute these around the level.

Textures for rooftops and floors were created to be tileable into our scene. Later this will be integrated into assets that will have more geometry and used to create buildings and other walkable paths in the environment.

We also made extra particle systems to add to the mood of the level.

We wanted to give the player another indicator of incoming threat. So the menacing mist also shoots projectiles in front of the player. The projectile spawns a mist obstacle that slows the player down when they overlap. The path of the projectile is made with a Bezier curve. The mist obstacle also makes it that player can’t run in a straight line to the end.


EscapeTheFogDev_2021-03-24.zip 37 MB
Mar 24, 2021

Get Escape the Fog

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